Hooks contains our logic code in our React app.
We can create our own hooks and use hooks provided by other people.
In this article, we’ll look at some useful React hooks.
The react-hooks-global-state library lets us create global states for our React app easily.
To use it, we install it by running:
npm install react-hooks-global-state
Then we use it by writing:
import React from "react";
import { createGlobalState } from "react-hooks-global-state";
const initialState = { count: 0 };
const { useGlobalState } = createGlobalState(initialState);
const Counter = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useGlobalState("count");
return (
<span>Counter: {count}</span>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count => count + 1)}>increment</button>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count => count - 1)}>decrement</button>
export default function App() {
return (
<Counter />
<Counter />
We create a global state with the createGlobalState
We pass in the initialState
to it to set that as the initial state.
This returns the useGlobalState
hook which has the global state.
Then we can use that with the useGlobalState
We pass in the state we want to get by passing in a string.
It returns an array with the state value and the function to change it in that order.
We call setCount
as we do with useState
‘s state change functions.
The react-hooks-image-size library has a React hook for getting the size of an image.
To install it, we run:
npm install --save @use-hooks/image-size
yarn add @use-hooks/image-size
Then we can use it by writing:
import React from "react";
import useImageSize from "[@use](http://twitter.com/use "Twitter profile for @use")-hooks/image-size";
export default function App() {
const url = "https://placekitten.com/g/600/600";
const [width, height] = useImageSize(url);
return (
<img src={url} width={100} height={100} alt="cat" />
Natural size: {width} x {height}
The useImageSize
hook returns the image’s natural width and height.
These are the values of width
and height
React Hooks Lib
React Hooks Lib is a library that has many reusable React hooks.
To install it, we can run:
npm i react-hooks-lib --save
Then we can use the hooks that come with the library.
The useDidMount
hook lets us run some code when the component is mounted.
For instance, we can use it by writing:
import React from "react";
import { useDidMount } from "react-hooks-lib";
export default function App() {
useDidMount(() => {
return <></>;
We use the useDidMount
hook with a callback which runs when the component is mounted.
The useWillUnmount
hook is the equivalent of the componentWillUnmount
method of React class components.
The callback we pass in runs when the component will unmount.
For example, we can write:
import React from "react";
import { useWillUnmount } from "react-hooks-lib";
export default function App() {
useWillUnmount(() => {
console.log("will unmount");
return <></>;
to run the callback when the component unmounts.
The react-hooks-global-state library lets us create a global state in our React app.
The react-hooks-image-size library gets the natural size of the image.
React Hooks Lib is a library with a bunch of reusable hooks.